Reporting Crime
When a crime takes place or if you know of one that is going to take place, it is the students duty to inform Campus Safety immediately in order to respond quickly to the scene or to prevent the crime from taking place.
Campus Activity
Georgetown College is private property and is maintained for the use of the college community and authorized persons only. We also restrict access to the living areas in our residence halls to the residents who live there and their guests.
Law Enforcement
Our professional team of Campus Safety officers are dedicated to protecting all persons on the Georgetown College campus. In conjunction with Georgetown City Police Dept. Campus Safety works to keep our college community safe and free of crime.
Secure Programs
- Conducting meetings with incoming freshmen and parents during orientation. At this meeting we introduce staff and encourage the use of the escort service along with making this document available.
- Meeting with resident directors and resident assistants at the beginning of school each fall. At this time we discuss what procedures are for reporting as well as preventing crime on campus.
- Placing and rotating posters in residence halls and campus buildings informing the campus about safety awareness.
- Meeting with the Association of Georgetown Students (AGS) at least yearly, to address the issues of concern.
- Providing a Campus Safety manual describing services, emergency procedures, parking, etc.
- Providing programs, one a semester, to inform members of the college community about their need to be responsible for their own security, including locking doors, crossing campus, etc. Student life residence hall programming also enhances our students’ safety awareness by providing workshops on such topics as:
- Date and acquaintance rape
- Self-defense
- Substance abuse
- Alcohol awareness
- Self-esteem
- CPR training
- Personal health
Crime Prevention
Campus Safety takes crime prevention very seriously. The campus community can aid in the prevention in crime by alerting Campus Safety of any suspicions activities. Campus Safety is located on the 2nd floor of the Cralle Student Center and can be reached by phone at 502-863-8111
Off Campus Crime
The local police work with our Campus Safety Department when entering the campus. All contact with the local police is logged with Campus Safety and documented for future reference. Georgetown College has no off-campus student organizations. Off-campus social functions by service, club or social organizations are beyond the scope of control by the college.
Sex Offense Policy
We have described various programs relating to self-defense, date rape and reducing vulnerability. Should a sex offense occur, personnel other than students should direct their complaint to the Vice President responsible for Human Resources who will follow the college policy and provide a skilled and sympathetic ear to the individual. On behalf of any student, the counseling psychologist receives the complaint, discusses options with the student, and supports the student as the process proceeds.
If you would like further information regarding the Daily Crime and Fire Log and any other crime reporting statistics, please contact:
Director of Campus Safety
Description of Information Programs
1a. The Georgetown College Department of Campus Safety publishes a handout that is distributed on campus and contains information on fire safety, weapons possession, escort services, sexual assault, and crime prevention. Georgetown College has an organized Safety Committee that works with each department on remedies for safety concerns or issues.
1b. The Campus Safety Handout contains information on the proper procedure to contact Campus Safety. Student Life publishes and distributes a list of names and telephone numbers for reporting emergencies and non-emergencies.
1c. The Director of Campus Safety conducts a meeting at the beginning of the Fall Semester and discusses personal safety. Student Life conducts classes each semester and promotes awareness of rape, date rape, and other forcible and non-forcible sexual offenses. Georgetown College has in the past invited the Kentucky State Police, Scott County Sheriff’s Department, and the Georgetown City Police to come to campus to conduct seminars on personal safety. Georgetown College will continue to use these methods of notification if the agencies are willing to help.
The calendar year for the annual report shall be the calendar year previous to the year in which the report is filed.